Gaino - Toscolano Maderno - Montemaderno line timetables

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Ferry with vehicles: from Maderno to Torri del Benaco and viceversa Navigazione laghi

Boats and hydrofoils by Maderno: You can reach most of the locations on the lake Navigazione laghi

Public Transport


Railway station: Desenzano (30 km), Brescia (46 km)

(The local Public Transport Line for the municipality is the Local Public Transport Network for the Brescia area, which is run by TPL Agency, Brescia)
The municipality of Toscolano Maderno has two WEEKDAY Public Transport lines: Toscolano Maderno - Montemaderno and Toscolano Maderno - Gaino.


The link below will take you to times and routes.
The service is provided by Eredi Caldana Domenico srl, in Toscolano Maderno, Via E. Caldana and it can be contacted at: +39 0365540824.For
For any information, please contact Eredi Caldana.
 directly. The following link, to the TPL Agency, Brescia, are published  TPL monitoring in the Brescia basin and provide information on the services provided in our Province.

Logo del Comune di Toscolano Maderno