Infopoint Maderno Tel. 324 8805863
Infopoint Toscolano Tel. 331 2356766
Infopoint Maderno Tel. 324 8805863
Infopoint Toscolano Tel. 331 2356766
From Maernì di Sotto take the path signed 2.7 on the right as far as the Puntesela on the Campei stream. Turn right and follow the route of the “cùei” (well signed) which joins the route to Campei at Persinic.
If you continue straight on you go up the carriage road 2.7 as far as the fork to Campiglio di Fondo
(30 minutes), go past the bar and continue to the shepherd’s hut Campiglio di Fondo where the path joins the path PERSENIC dei Cùei at the fountain.
Go up the path 22 as far as the fork. If you turn right you can visit the cave “El bus del luf” and see its impressive stalagmites, while if you turn left you reach the Alpine hut Campei di Sopra. From there you go downhill along the path no.3. Keep to the right past the bar and climb to the pass Fobiola – Spino (remains with a First World War trench). When you reach the pass make your way back downhill to Selva Scura – Ponte Rilo (692 mts.a.s.l. - 45 minutes) and continue to the right as far as the Puntesela and back to your starting point at Maina.
Vai alla mappa
7,5 km
3 ore